Osage ORange
The genus Maclura contains about 12 species with only one being native to North America. Tropical America and Africa contain the rest.The sapwood of Osage Orange is narrow and light yellow, while the heartwood is golden to bright orange, which darkens upon exposure. The heartwood can also contain red streaks.
Native to Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, but since escaped and naturalized throughout the eastern and north western U.S.
Working Properties
Osage Orange holds glue, nails and screws well with pre-boring as a must. Due to its hardness, hand and machine tooling needs to be sharp.
Physical Properties
The wood is hard and heavy, tough, resilient and takes a high luster. It is ring porous and commonly confused with black locust. It has no characteristic odor or taste.
Osage Orange is considered one of the most durable woods of North America.
Fence posts, railroad ties, smoking pipes, machinery parts, archery bows, fuel wood.