Hackberry is closely related to sugarberry (Celtis Laevigata) and is a member of the Elm family. There is little difference between sapwood and heartwood which is yellowish grey to light brown with yellow streaks. The wood is very susceptible to blue staining before and after kiln drying and has irregular grain, occasionally straight and sometimes interlocked, with a fine uniform texture.
The genus Celtis is composed of about 75 species native to the United States (7), Mexico and Central America (9) and the northern temperate and tropical zones and south Africa. The name celtis is the classical Latin name for a species of lotus.
Working Properties
Hackberry wood is straight grained that planes and turns well. It is intermediate in ability to hold nails and screws. It is resists splitting from screws better than from nails it also stains satisfactorily. Hackberry dries readily with minimal degrade. It has a fairly high shrinkage and is most suitable in cut stock (small/short pieces). It has excellent glueing properties.
Physical Properties
Hackberry is moderately hard, heavy and has medium bending strength, high shock resistance but is low in compression. It has a good steam-bending classification.
Furniture, millwork, sporting and athletic goods, boxes, doors, mouldings, kitchen cabinets.